영어식 문장의 특징
한국인이 영어를 사용할 때 주의해야 할 점은 한국적 사고방식이 아닌 영어식으로 표현하는 것입니다. 한국식 사고방식과 영어식 사고방식이 다른데 이 부분을 잘 이해하는 것이 영어를 향상시키는데 관건이라 할 수 있습니다. 단순히 이해하는 것으로는 부족하고, 부단히 연습하여 머리가 아닌 몸으로 영어식 문장의 특징을 이해하는 것이 필요합니다. 선교사로서 영어공부에 관심이 있는 분들을 위해 제가 사용하고 있는 자료를 공유하고자 합니다. 한국식 영어가 아닌 영어식 문장을 구사하는데 관심이 있는 분들에게 약간이나마 도움이 될 것입니다.
1. 주어를 잘 선택할 것 (영어는 주어가 매우 중요하다)
한국인이 사용하는 영어에는 어색한 면이 있는데 그 이유는 한국식 사고방식을 가지고 영문을 만들기 때문입니다. 한국어와 영어의 가장 큰 차이점이 '주어'에 있습니다. 요점만 말하자면 이것입니다. 한국인이 영어문장을 구사하려고 할 때 머리 속에서 떠오르는 주어를 그대로 직역하지 말고 다른 주어로 바꾸는 연습을 해보는 것입니다. 이것은 영어식 문장을 구사하는데 아주 효과적인 방법이 될 것입니다. 예를 들어 "왜 그렇게 생각하니?"라는 뜻을 영어로 옮기면 Why do you think so? 라고 하지 말고 What makes you think so? 라고 해보는 것입니다.
아울러 주어를 바꾸는 것이 첫번째 요령이라면 동사는 바꾸는 것은 두 번째로 중요한 영어식 문장을 구사하는 방법입니다. 예를 들어 "그는 운전을 잘 한다."는 말을 영어로 옮길 때 He drives well. 라고 하지 말고 He is a good driver.라고 동사를 바꾸어 보십시오. 훨씬 영어다운 문장이 될 것입니다. 자유자재로 동사를 바꾸어 보는 연습을 하는 것이 영어식 문장을 구사하는 중요한 비결입니다.
2. 인격을 부여하는 표현을 연구할 것.
-What makes you think it right?
-What made her do so?
-What makes her look so gloomy, I wonder.
-Riches bring care.
-Money talks every thing.
-Today's paper reports we shall have rain this evening.
-The frost has withered the plants.
-The flood carried away a lot of houses.
-Illness prevented my going to school.
-A five minutes's walk will bring you to the station.
-A pin might be heard to drop.
-Moderate exercise will do you good, but too much exercise will do you harm.
-A few years' stay in America will do you a lot of godd.
-Your lack of sleep will tell upon you some day.
-The mere thought of it was a refreshment to me.
-My house looks over the harbor. My house commands a full view of the harbor
-Later investigation showed that his statistics were wrong.
-His face told that he was firmly resolved.
-The land had known peace for forty years.
-My spirits rose as I approached Seoul.
3. It 용법 구사하기
-It is Sunday and we have no school today.
-I was just going to bed, as it was past eleven.
-It was a very fine autumn day, with not a cloud in the sky.
-How far is it to the station?
-How goes it with you?
-It's a sensible of him to lend me twice as much as I asked for.
-It is this book, not that one, that I want.
-It is quite the same (different) with a capitalist country.
-We will fight it out.
4. There 용법 구사하기
-There once lived an old mand and an old woman.
-There were 3 fires last night.
-There were times when I had to work more than 10 hours a day.
-There has been another car accident.
-Well, there's nothing so surprising about that.
-One night there flew over Pusan city a plane.
-There was a whispering and murmuring when she appeared.
-There are (as many as) 10 pages missing.
-There is a strike going on.
-There seems to be no way to get out of the diffuculty.
-There seems to be no end of war.
-(There is) No telling(knowing) when an earthquake will happen.
-There's an hour to wait for the Seoul train.
-(There was) No harm meant.
-There was born a baby to them.
-There was heard a rolling sound in the distance.
5. 목적어 용법 (말의 절약이 영어식 표현의 핵심비결)
-She waved good-bye.
-The waitress wiped off the table.
-A dog dug a big hole.
-He drank a whole bottle.
-He laughted again, the same curious chuckle.
-She even managed to smile to the stranger--a smile, terrified smile.
-There are still pretty many people who live a hand-to-mouth life.
-The poet died a miserable death.
-She winked me a wink of warning.
-Please dance three dances with me.
-He slept a sleep of unrest.
-I've said my say.
-She blushed a maiden's blush.
-She smiled assent.
-He nodded approval.
-She smiled her sweetest.
-He loathed her with a deadly loathing.
-Disappointed, he killed himself by taking poison.
-He takes every chance to advertise kimself.
-I owe the tailor 20,000 won. = I owe 20,000 won to the tailor.
-I want to spare you the trouble. = I don't want to trouble you.
6. 보어 용법
-That announcer is still in his twenties, I hear; but he looks old for his age.
-You look pale. Anything wrong?
-The two men who had killed the money lender were hidden in an empty house.
-The boy appears to be most faithful, so I'll employ him.
-The air feels cold.
-How do you feel today? I feel much better today, doctor, thank you.
-We lay awake. She is lying still.
-It was an unusually cold winter. Snow lay 2 meters deep in our town.
-Savages go naked in this southern island.
-The poor woman went mad.
-He always goes hungry.
-Mr. Kim would go second, not first.
-The vapor rises unseen into the air.
-Through the mist an island loomed vague and large.
=An island came in sight(view) vague and large through the mist.
-Something white loomed up vague in the twilight.
-He became a very rich man afterwards.
-The dream came true.
-He proved(turned out) to be a very reliable man.
=I found him to be a very trustworthy person.
-Before long our provisions were running short.
=We were soon running short of provisions.
-As he is bright-headed and works hard at his studies, he will make a fine scholar.
-Do they eat meat raw in Ethiopia?
-Don't drink whisky straight.
-Don't touch the money. Leave it as it is.
-How did you leave your people at home?
-I left my father quite well at home last month.
-I found the book very interesting.
-I opened the door and found everybody out.
-Byron awoke to find himself famous.
-She found herself lying in a strange room.
-I found myself injured on my left elbow.
-How do you like your new lodging house? Not so bad.
-I like such a bad man to be severly punished.
-I don't like having people come on Sunday.
-I want my shoes cleaned every morning.
-I tried in vain to make the meaning clear.
7. 한국말 특유의 말투를 처리하기 (직역하지 말고, 의미를 파악해서 영어식으로 표현하기)
-Come and see me any day you like.
=You're welcome to my house any old time.
-Those who work hard will win in the end.
-Do you mean to say that this is a difficult question? It's really quite easy.
=It's child's play. Quite an easy job. No match for me.
-When I say his letter, I felt something uneasy.
-She is an awfully talkative woman.
= she is the kind of woman who was born all mouth.
-Don't talk big. (Don't be boastful, flatter)
-He hasn't got a bit of conscience. = He has no conscience at all
-I'm getting along very well, so please don't worry.
-He has served his master faithfully.
-That politician speaks fair words to everybody.
-The enemy fled in every direction.
-I really appreciate your kindness.
-His foreign policy roused public opinion.
-The good season for reading is com.
-He sees visitors on Friday.
-What a shameless fellow he is to do such a thing.
-I will find a bride for you.
-The stormy session of the Assembly in now over.
-He had a narrow escape from death.
8. 부정을 긍정으로, 긍정을 부정으로 (역설적인 표현이 영어식 표현의 핵심)
-You must keep the fire burning.
-He remained silent all the while.
-쫴 ever can tell when he will show up?
-God know what he is.
-He is the greatest statesman that I have ever known.
-He was the only doctor in the village, so he had to do everything.
-To be a great scholar is one thing; to be a good teacher in quite another.
-He went to bed fully dressed.
-What are you talking about? That's the first I've heard of it.
-He is the last man to betray us.
-Have you ever been to America? Oh,, that's my future pleasure.
-Ever been to the States? That's what I expect to do in the future.
-I've never seen such a cheeky person as you.
9. 큰 요점을 먼저 말하고 나서 세부로 옮기기
-She struck me a powerful blow on the face.
-She slapped me hard on the face.
-The man received a hard blow on the head.
-The fellow got a good lick on the head.
-He got an unexpected slap over the ear and staggered.
-As I walked along the street, I felt somebody pat me softly on the shoulder.
-She was kind enough to lead the blind man by the hand across the street.
-Tom pulled the cat by the ear.
-Somebody pulled me by the sleeve.
-A bullet shot him through the thigh.
-We planned to attact the enemy in the rear.
-The girl soon blushes deeply.
-This bridge is 995 meters in length.
-Seoul has shown a grat increase in population in recent year.
-Pity he is far gone in consumption.
-The two things are similar in shape, but in size they are different.
-The cold has decreased in severity.
-I think you are right in opinion.
-He robbed me of my purse.
-I congratulate you on your success.
-He is gentle in manner.
-The coat is too long both in the sleeves and the tail.
-It appears that the Arabs crossed the river at this point.
-Write home to your parents from time to time.
-Please help me with my work.
10. 품사를 바꾸기 (인상적인 명사표현)
-Mary is a very nice cook, but a bad swimmer.
-My father is a poor sailor.
-You may make free use of my library.=Your are welcome to my library.
-She did it with wonderful beauty.
-He had the kindness to show me the way.
-You've got a quick eye for misprints.
-He has good ear for music.
-He has a clever head and a kind heart.
-You'll soon be on your feet.
-They tried to have a near and good look at her.
-The goal-keeper got a kick in the side.
-Shall I give you a lift(=ride)?
-They pitied the orphan.
11. 명사의 동사화 (복잡한 내용을 간단히 압축하기)
-A party of American businessmen, headed by Mr. Johnson, arrived in Seoul today.
-The hotel clerk eyed me from head to foot,.
-He elbowed his way through the crowed.
-He tiptoed out of the room.
-Searchlights are fingering the sky for the enemy plane.
-She has been nosing into bureau drawers for some time.
-Pretty many cinema houses are not air-conditioned.
-The commencement ceremony is scheduled for 9:30 a.m., March 3rd.
-Mr. Kim's new play will be staged to night, starring Miss Lee.
-Now I'll outline my career.
-For three years he slaved on the soil.
-His many year's efforts were crowned with success.
-The truth gradually dawned upon me.
-The new couple were showered with congratulations everywhere.
-Violent anger welled up in his heart.
-The policeman wetted his pencil many times.
-He unscrewed the bottle.
-He tipped the waiter.
-I still remember his pale, spectacled face.
-He starred the window with a big stone.
-Please plane this board smooth.
-Please switch off the light.
-He is still sponging on his parents. = He is still living on his parents.
-Though no longer single, she uses her maiden name at the office.
12. 합성어 용법
-The old man awoke from his usual after-lunch sleep.
-I'm going to take the 3 p.m. Pusan train.
-There was no tile, or publication date or even the author's name in that book.
-He was returning to his home town after a business trip to Holland.
-Soon after we left Inchon by KAL I got acquainted with and Oxford man.
-John Barrymore was a noted cinema actor in the silent picturedays.
-She took out various toilet things to make herself up.
-This clock is really a museum piece.
-Her only boy child of three died last night.
-His grandfather went over to Samoa in eighteen-eighty-something.
-I don't know if he will be able to stick to a stay-at-home life.
-The English are a beef-eating and beer-drinking people.
-He married and eighteen-year-old Irish girl whom he had met in a theatre.
-His four-year-old boy is very smart.
13. 한국어의 동사를 전치사로 처리하기
-피서하러 갔다. He went to Songdo for the summer.
-차를 마시며 상의하다. We talk about the matter over a cup of tea.
-화단일을 하는 것을 보다 I saw the gardner over the flowerbeds.
-책을 읽던 얼굴을 들어서 He looked up from a books, and said "Good morning."
-그의 말투로 미루어보아 From the way he spoke, I felt that he had already known much about me.
-비 맞아도 괜찮아 This coat is proof against rain. (rain-proof coat)
-너에게 온 편지가 있다. Here's a letter for you.
-더할 나위없이 착하다. She is above praise.
-아직 40이 안 되다. She is still under 40.
-100미터를 11초에 끊다. He ran 100 meters under 11 seconds.
-몸짓으로 말하다. He motioned me to a chair.
-식사를 마치다. When we were through breakfast, we heard a knock on the door.
-흔들어 깨우다. He shook the boy out of his sleep.
-녹아 물이 되다. Snow melted into water.
14. 결과를 나타내는 부사구 용법
-I worked very hard without success.
-Our concert was held with great success.
-He went over to America, only to die.
-The criminal came home, only to be caught.
-I am afraid my grandfather is too old to go abroad.
-She is too young to love.
-He tried in vain to make a fortune in America.
-He was too clever not to know it.
-The sight was too horrible for words.
-He starved to death. He died of hunger.
-To his surprise, his fountain pen was gone.
-To my relief, the examination is over.
-Mr. Kim drank away all his fortune.
-I paid the car off.
-I slept off my headache.
-He drank off his worries.
15. 의성어 용법
-Bang! went the door
The door was banged.
The door was shut with a bang.
-Pop! pop! pop! frogs jumped out of the pond.
Frogs popped out of the pond.
Frogs jumped out of the pond with a pop.
-Boo-m! boo-m! ...cannons roared in the distance.
We heard cannons peal far away: Boo-m! boo-m!
-"N-no!" he said angrily.
-Zzzz...The car stopped.
The car came to a stop with zzzz...sounds.
-Tip-tap! tip-tap! there were sounds of shoes in corridor.
I heard the tip-tap of shoes in the corridor.
-Tick-tack! went the clock.
-Clang! clang! there goes the bell.
-Cock-a-doodle doo! the first cock crowed.
-Tirrilee! tirrilee! the birds are singing.
-Mew! the cat mewed.
-Several women are chattering by the well
-Look, flags are fluttering in the wind.
-The rain is pattering on the windowpane.
-All of them broke into laughter when they saw it.
Everybody burst out laughing to see the sight.
They all roared with laughter to see it.
-I went to sleep, hearing the water lapping upon the shore.
-The mill is turning round and round.
-I walked on and on, and at last I came to the shore of a river.
I walked and walked, until I found myself at the shore of a river.
-The building is burning furiously. = The building is in flames.
-A mass of snow fell down from the roof with a heavy thud.
-A branch broke off with a snap. = A branch snapped off.
-The soldiers fell one after another.
16. 감정의 표현이나 격언의 사용
-Oh, How wonderful!
-Help me for God's sake!
-Dear me, I haven't got my purse with me. Let me see--Where I have put it?
-Oh, my! You don't say!(설마)
-Well, well!
-Diligence is the mother of success.
-A little pot is soon hot.
-Seeing is believking.
참조: 영어식 사고방식으로 작문하는 연습 노하우
1. 머릿속에서 생각한 문장을 글로 옮기기 전에 바꾸어 본다.
예: "나는 학교에 간다"
I go to school ==> I am a student.
"나는 학생이다."
I am a student ==> I go to school.
2. 내가 생각한 주어를 바꾸어본다.
예: "왜 화가 났니?"
Why are you so upset? ==> What made you so upset?
"그는 무엇인가에 화가 났다."
He looks so angry with something. ==> Something has made him get angry.
무생물주어, 명사주어가 영어식 문장의 특징입니다!!
3. 한국말을 직역하지 말고 의역하도록 한다.
-비유적인 표현, 역설적인 표현, 함축적인 표현
4. 문장의 조화를 염두에 둘 것
-짧은 문장과 긴 문장이 서로 조화를 이루어야 한다.
5. 평소 좋은 문장을 많이 스크랩해둘 것.
South Africa
김광락 선교사 올림.
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